woensdag 23 december 2009

Wanna haves! :-)

Just read that there's gonna be a presale next week, gonna try to get some of these beautiful wineglasses @ Riviera Maison!

vrijdag 18 december 2009

Black out

Yesterday around 16:00 o'clock suddenly all the lights went out, the whole street was dark as the snow was still falling outside! We had a black out for about one and a half hour.... But no worries, we drank wine by candle light!

donderdag 17 december 2009

Snowy Holland!

Although my cellphone is broken (again...) and it's freezing cold outside... I'm enjoying this day, especially inside the house nearby the fireplace. I always feel like a little child when the snowflakes are falling down, it's so magical!

maandag 30 november 2009

First one!

This weekend I received my first christmas-card, sent by Christian from the USA. I love the christmas-feeling... It's such a special period of the year!
(by the way, it's a 1930's gift wrap design)

zaterdag 28 november 2009

Just for fun!

Just a picture of me.... Don't I just look like a very important careerwoman? Which I'm actually not, I don't work at an office anyway...!

woensdag 25 november 2009


As a result of my stay in Aruba I like al dushi's! ;-)
I discovered these : www.dushilikeyou.com
You can make a personal dushi, don't you just wanna have one!!!


This morning I sent this card to Daniel in the UK, I read in in his profile that he would like to receive cards with girls.... :-)
For a few months I'm into www.postcrossing.com
I love it, the sending and the receiving of the cards from all around the world. To find them in my mail... it feels like little presents!

maandag 23 november 2009

A day at the beach....

Spent my weekend at the Dutch coast, enjoyed the sun and the wind. Hoped that the wind would blow all my thoughts away...even for just a minute...

St. Nicolas is in Holland

My little girl waving to St. Nicolas on his boat! Adorable!

I'm loving angels...

Some cards I receive are so beautiful, I also love this one! Sent by Paulo from Lisbon. You may wanna check his website, he's a talented photographer: http://www.paulocesar.eu/
I hope his angel will bring me some luck....

woensdag 11 november 2009

on the countryside.

Found these 'old' pictures, made them last summer while visiting Beesd.

Sweet simplicity.

I can be jealous of this drawing. It's so simple and pure, life through the eyes of a 4-yr. old! Made by Jasmijn, this morning.

dinsdag 10 november 2009

Happy with my new jug

Found this jug on sale in a little shop, so lucky it was't sold yet, put it in my kitchen. These sort of things make your home a home... (made by: "Jet" by Tersteege)

On my shoppinglist...

Because my dog ruined the three beautiful lights I had, I really think I need these!
Aren't they gorgeous? By Riviera Maison (love it!).

Sweet memories....

Scheveningen, rain, hot chocolate, wine, nice food, fire place and a special friend! Just thinking about last tuesday, an evening with D.

Celebrate life!

Stars when you shine
You know how I feel
Scent of the pine
You know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel
(Michael Buble)